41) Society’s hierarchical ranking of people into social classes is called a. social inequality. b. social grouping. c. social meritocracy. d. social stratification. 42) Social mobility is usually measured a. by examining inter and intra-generational mobility. b. by evaluating whether or not a society is meritocratic. c. by examining patterns of social stratification. d. by examining whether or not classist attitudes are present in a society. 43) Which of the following is an example of a meritocratic system? a. A prestigious university admits only those students who earn a very high grade point average. b. Students and seniors get 10 percent off of their purchases at a grocery store the first Tuesday of every month. c. At the beginning of the academic year, first year students are randomly assigned to tutorial groups. d. Matthew gets a summer job working for his aunt’s landscaping company. 44) Matthew is the first member of his family to earn a Ph.D. This is an example of a. meritocracy. b. intergenerational mobility. c. intragenerational mobility. d. social opportunity. 45) Social inequality a. is based on objective measures of people’s abilities such as IQ scores and aptitude tests. b. becomes less of a problem as societies become more advanced. c. is based on subjective, ascribed criteria such as gender and minority status. d. does not occur when societies are meritocratic. 46) Classism is grounded in the idea that a. some people have more opportunities to succeed than others. b. everyone in society starts out with the same chances of success. c. the “American Dream” is not a realistic idea of how society actually works. d. meritocracy is unable to solve the problems of people who live in poverty. 47) The mayor of a small town decides to stop funding a nonprofit job agency that helps under-employed people find work. She explains her decision by stating that underemployed people need to use their own resources to find jobs, instead of relying on tax-payers to fund programs to help them. This is an example of a. blaming the system. b. blaming the victim. c. blaming the culture of poverty. d. deferred gratification. 48) Martha has a part-time job at a preschool. Every month, she puts $300 of her paycheck into her savings account. She’s saving this money for a trip to Cuba at the end of the year. This is an example of a. the American Dream. b. deferred gratification. c. meritocracy. d. competitive individualism. 49) What best describes the following: after a long day’s work, Mary comes home, takes the kids to soccer practice, picks them up, cooks dinner, cleans the house, gets the kids ready for bed, and reads them a good night story. a. The pink ghetto b. The double shift c. Social stratification d. Gender inequality 50) In a study conducted by sociologists Huber and Form, most wealthy and middle-class Americans a. believed that their success was the result of their own abilities, skills, and effort. b. believed that their success was primarily the result of luck. c. believed that their success was primarily the result of structural factors in society. d. believed that poor people suffered because of the failure of society to provide adequate schooling for all citizens.