31) According to Edwin Lemert, ________ is the initial deviant act which results in being caught and labelled as a deviant. a. primary deviance b. secondary deviance c. tagging d. labelling e. information reaction 32) Listing the names of drunk drivers on a public billboard is an example of ________ shaming. a. reintegrative b. restorative c. diversionary d. rehabilitative e. stigmatic 33) Which one of the following is NOT descriptive of the labelling theory? a. Deviation is criminal only if effectively reacted to and symbolized as such. b. Negative self-images follow from processing by the formal mechanisms of criminal justice, rather than preceding delinquency. c. Deviance is the result of social processes involving the imposition of definitions. d. Deviant individuals achieve their status by virtue of social definition rather than because of inborn traits. e. Children learn to become delinquents by becoming members of groups in which delinquent conduct is already established. 34) Which of the following perspectives sees continued crime as a consequence of limited opportunities for acceptable behaviour which follow from the negative responses of society to those defined as offenders? a. Reintegrative shaming b. Life course theory c. Labelling d. Containment theory e. Social control theory 35) A ________ is a group of individuals sharing certain significant social characteristics, such as gender and time and place of birth. a. social capital b. ecology c. cohort d. stigmatic shaming class e. developmental dysfunctional pathway 36) According to containment theory, a positive self-image is an important ________ containment. a. outer b. external c. inner d. personal e. social 37) According to Edwin Lemert, ________ becomes especially important because of the forceful role it plays in causing tagged individuals to internalize the negative labels which have been applied to them. Through such a process, labelled individuals assume the role of the deviant. a. labelling b. primary deviance c. secondary deviance d. tagging 38) According to Travis Hirschi, the third component of the social bond, or _________________, means “engrossment in conventional activities” and is similar to reckless’s concept of meaningful roles. a. involvement b. dramatization of evil c. tagging out d. primary deviance e. secondary deviance 39) According to Travis Hirschi, the fourth component of the social bond, or _________________, an individual will commit criminal activities because, although they know the rules exist, they basically do not care and invest little of their sense of self in moral standards. a. Stigmatic shaming b. Reintegrative shaming c. Social bonding d. Labelling e. belief 40) ________ contended that crime, like all human behaviour, is learned. a. Howard Becker b. Albert Cohen c. Walter Reckless d. Gresham Sykes e. Edwin Sutherland


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