1.Elizabeth Dicke was one of the first to discover: a.connective tissue zones. b.segment reflex zones. c.dermatomes. 2.Which of the following statements is true? a.Pathology can be reflected from the internal organs to the superficial structures (skin, muscles, etc.). b.Treatment on the superficial structures can be reflected to treat the deeper organs. c.Both statements are true. d.Neither statement is true. 3.Who developed the technique known as Bindegewebmassage? a. Vogler b.Krauss c.Dicke d.Zabludovsky 4.The periosteum is a type of connective tissue that has the ability to reflect pathology from other areas of the body. a.True b.False 5.Which of the following statements about segment reflex massage is incorrect? a.Segment reflex massage is another name for connective tissue massage. b.Segment reflex massage addresses the entire musculoskeletal system (bones, muscles, fascia, and joints). c. Segment reflex massage includes periosteal massage and other neurological concepts. d.Segment reflex massage was developed by Dr. Sherbak. 6.Craniosacral therapy was popularized by what modern practitioner? a.Vogler b.Upledger c.Krauss d.Zabludovsky 7.Craniosacral therapy is concerned with which body fluid? a.Lymphatic b.Interstitial c.Cerebrospinal d.Synovial 8.Structural integration was the original name for what modality? a.Segment reflex massage b.Connective tissue massage c.Rolfing therapy d.Craniosacral therapy 9.___________________ developed the concept of “anatomy trains.” a.Vogler b.Upledger c.Meyers d.Krauss 10.Another name for “anatomy trains” is “myofascial meridians.” a.True b.False


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