1)Which of the following statements about Canadian Aboriginal groups is correct? A)All Aboriginal groups are patriarchal. B)All Aboriginal groups are matriarchal. C)Homesteading women in the prairies helped Blood Nation women with childbirth. D)Early settlers in Canada developed warring relations with their Aboriginal neighbours. E)Children born to unmarried European settlers were often adopted by Aboriginal families. 2)Relations between early fur traders in Canada and local Aboriginal women were encouraged by A)the church. B)European society. C)the Hudson’s Bay Company. D)Aboriginal relatives E)all of the above. 3)The Aboriginal partners of early fur traders in Canada were known as A)in loco parentis. B)country wives. C)Les Filles de Roi (the Daughters of the King). D)“Quebec widows.” E)fictive kin. 4)The term “country wife” describes A)the Aboriginal bride of a European fur trader in early Canadian history. B)an impoverished Parisian woman brought to the New World to marry French-Canadian settlers. C)the hardworking spouse of a late 19th century farmer settling the prairies. D)a Victorian-era prostitute who rejected the rigid social rules governing sexuality at the time. E)a contemporary woman who chooses to pursue a traditional homemaking lifestyle. 5)“Going native” is a term that described A)European men who converted to an Aboriginal way of life. B)people who refused to accept the social changes associated with the Industrial Revolution. C)couples who left urban centres and reverted to a simpler agricultural lifestyle. D)Individuals who rejected technological advances such as telephones and radios. E)recent couples who bucked the trend of declining fertility rates and had more than four children. 6)The term, loco parentis, meant A)                  most mixed race parents were inadequate B)                  the marriage of a European male with an Aboriginal female C)                  the marriage of a Aboriginal male with an European female D)                 the Aboriginal adoption of a European child E)                  none of the above 7)The Huron viewed the ties between French men and Huron women as A)                 a way of developing kinship ties B)                 a way of cementing trust C)                 a threat to tribal security D)                 A & B above E)                  None of the above 8)   Which of the following is not accurate about Aboriginal kinship? A)                 it was more flexible than European kinship B)                 it included friends C)                 it was determined through matriarchal decision marking D)                 it included adopted children E)                  it included people engaged in mutual aid 9)Which of the following statements about Aboriginals and early European cultures A)Work and entitlements were organized by gender among the Europeans, but shared equally among the Aboriginals. B)Aboriginal women exercised more power in the family than their European counterparts. C)Property was shared among colonial settlers, but private within Aboriginal tribes. D)Colonialists openly welcomed ritual exchanges of property among Aboriginal family groups. E)Kinship rules among Aboriginals were more rigid than European kinship systems. 10)Which of the following statements about Aboriginals and early settlers is correct? A)Aboriginal groups valued property more so than the settlers. B)Women in early settler communities taught Aboriginal women to demand gender equality rights. C)Ritual exchanges of potlatches among family groups were encouraged by the colonials. D)Kinship rights were defined more loosely in Aboriginal groups than in European communities. E)European courts of law were less formal than Aboriginal tribunals for determining justice. 1


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