21) Which of the following individuals is least likely to make the fundamental attribution error? a. Maggie, a 24-year old Caucasian woman b. Jethro, a 18-year old Caucasian man c. Anut, a 46-year old Pakistani woman d. Ming, a 35-year old Chinese woman 22) Which of the following reflects the main conclusion about social behaviour from an evolutionary perspective? a. Conformity is a negative influence on reproductive capacity as it constrains mate selection processes by making mates less desirable as they are all the “same.” b. Conformity, obedience, and many other forms of social influence become maladaptive only when they’re blind or unquestioning. c. Negative influences on social behaviour have evolved to protect our self-esteem and allow us to engage in self-enhancement by controlling others. d. Evolution is only related to the positive aspects of social behaviour (e.g., altruism, friendships, nurturing) relative to negative social behaviours (e.g., riots, aggression, obedience) that are modern concepts. 23) Which of the following scenarios does not demonstrate the fundamental attribution error? a. Dorothy thinks that a co-worker must be in a bad mood because their boss was overworking them. b. Craig thinks that his classmate must have gotten a poor grade on an exam because he is stupid. c. Blanche does not like the sales clerk at the store because she thinks she is a rude person. d. Taylor laughs at a guy who trips in the hallway and assumes he must be a clumsy idiot. 24) An individual from which of the following cultures would be least likely to engage in the fundamental attribution error? a. Canada b. England c. Japan d. India 25) If you walk into a classroom talking with a friend, and the rest of the members of the class are not talking, you are likely to be quiet and stop your conversation. Your behaviour is an example of ______________. a. obedience b. compliance c. conformity d. persuasion 26) The tendency of people to alter their behaviour as a result of group influence is called a. obedience. b. attribution. c. conformity. d. social comparison. 27) You get on an elevator. Everyone is facing to the right. You turn and also face to the right. This is an example of a. obedience. b. comparison. c. attribution. d. conformity. 28) In Asch’s research studies, conformity decreased to approximately ____ percent if one of the confederates gave the correct response (the same as the participant) relative to the others that gave an incorrect response. a. 10 b. 25 c. 37 d. 45 29) In which of the following scenarios would you be most likely to conform by giving the same response as the confederate’s? a. Twelve confederates give the same answer and one confederate provides the correct response. b. Eight confederates give the same answer and one provides a different but also incorrect response. c. Four confederates give the same answer and all of the responses are the same. d. Two confederates give the same answer and one provides another answer that is incorrect. 30) “Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s Superman!” If you looked up, would you be conforming? a. Yes. You would be looking up because you were told to do so. b. No. Conformity requires that you base your behaviour on what other people are doing, not being told to do so. c. Yes. Conformity means doing what you are told or else. d. No. Looking up only means you are curious.


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