171) Overweight people are often characterized as being a. hard workers. b. equally attractive as thin people. c. strong, peaceful, and determined. d. lazy, sloppy, or lacking in will power. 172) Which of the following are reasons for weight increase, apart from diet and exercise? a. Genetic influences b. Use of medicines c. Lack of adequate sleep d. All of the above 173) Julie follows the latest diet fad. These diets frequently require her to restrict her caloric intake to 1000 calories a day for several weeks. What kind of diet is this known as? a. Healthy diet b. Balanced diet c. Limited diet d. Crash diet 174) As a result of crash dieting, Julie will lose 10 kilograms in two weeks. But, unfortunately, as soon as she goes off the diet, she gains 10 to 12 kilograms. Julie is experiencing the ________ effect. a. yo-yo b. disequilibrium c. equilibrium d. butterfly 175) Which of the following is not one of the reasons for obesity (apart from diet and lack of exercise)? a. Lack of adequate sleep b. Increase in mothers who give birth at older ages c. Tendency to marry someone with a heavier body type than you d. Comfortable temperatures decrease calories burned 176) Approximately half of the differences in people’s tendency to become overweight are accounted for by a. genetics. b. people’s eating habits. c. lack of exercise. d. medications. 177) To help people follow medical advice, one should a. encourage patients to use social support systems. b. give patients educational materials. c. Both A and B d. None of the above 178) June is studying health psychology and is looking for information on the most likely causes of death for a research paper. Based on the _______________, she assumes this includes breast cancer and car accidents, but is incorrect because heart disease is the more frequent and deadly illness. a. confirmation bias b. disconfirmation bias c. availability heuristic d. expectancy effect 179) ________ is the mental shortcut we use to judge the likelihood of an event and the ease with which it comes to mind. a. Availability heuristic b. Representativeness heuristic c. Rumination d. Automatic process 180) Health prevention programs contain all of the following elements except a. education about the risks and consequences of obesity, smoking, and excessive drinking. b. education about positive health behaviours such as good nutrition and exercise. c. teaching young people to recognize and resist peer pressure to engage in unhealthy behaviours. d. education about the causes and physical effects of various diseases, including treatment options.