11) Excessive groundwater withdrawals can cause ________. A) the water table drops or declines in elevation B) an influent stream becomes an effluent stream C) expansion of the dewatered aquifer D) porosity in the aquifer increases as the water is removed 12) Which of the following geologic materials would have the highest groundwater velocities and be least effective in removing unwanted pollutants from the water? A) unconsolidated medium-grained sand; sand grains are coated with clay minerals B) sandstone; well-cemented with a few, widely spaced vertical fractures C) lakebeds; unconsolidated very fine-grained sand and silt D) limestone; numerous solution channels and fractures widened by dissolution 13) Which one of the following logically explains why parts of some cavern systems are aerated? A) The caves formed and later the water table rose. B) A nearby, downcutting stream lowered the water table after the caves had formed. C) Streams formerly flowing on the surface were diverted into the groundwater system through sinkholes. D) The main water table is perched above the cavern roofs, allowing air to enter. 14) A ________ is the icicle-like speleothem that grows down from the roof of a cavern. A) stalandite B) stalactite C) stalagmite D) slagdite 15) ________ are specific features of karst topography. A) Streams flowing into depressions and continuing underground B) Perched water table springs on hillsides C) Numerous artesian wells in a given area D) Perennial, influent streams fed by large springs 16) Which of the following can logically be concluded by speleothems/dripstone hanging from a cave roof? A) The cave roof was below the water table when the speleothems formed. B) The cave floor was above the water table and the roof was below the water table when the speleothems formed. C) The cave roof was above the water table when the speleothems formed. D) The cave roof was below the water table sometime after the speleothems had formed. 17) ________ account for the largest usage of groundwater in the United States. A) Water for livestock and poultry B) Domestic and municipal supplies C) Industrial uses D) Agriculture and irrigation 18) What is the relationship between drawdown and the cone of depression associated with a pumping well? A) The drawdown is the diameter of the cone of depression measured at the elevation of the original water table. B) The drawdown is the percentage of available water in the aquifer that has already been used. C) Drawdown is the distance between the original water table and the water level in the well. D) There is no relationship between drawdown and the cone of depression. 19) The hot spring deposits at Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, are travertine. What rock probably lies somewhere beneath the hot springs? A) shale B) rhyolite C) limestone D) quartzite 20) Which of the following statements concerning unconfined aquifers on barrier islands and atolls is correct? A) Wells drilled below sea level will produce only saline water. B) The water table must be 40 feet above sea level to keep the salty water in the aquifer below sea level. C) Any salty water in the aquifer will rise if the water table is lowered by pumping. D) Pumping freshwater from one, large capacity well is much less likely to cause salty water to rise in the aquifer than pumping from several, widely spaced, smaller capacity wells.


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