21)Over 150 years of research studies based on the Darwin-Wallace theory of evolution A)have failed to support the theory. B)have upheld the predictions from the theory in the vast majority of the studies. C)have supported few of the predictions from the theory. D)have led scientists to become increasingly skeptical of the theory. 22)The Darwin-Wallace evolutionary theory has been A)only weakly supported by research. B)subjected to very little scientific testing. C)scientifically tested more thoroughly than any other scientific theory. D)lacking in scientific support. 23)Ethologists and comparative psychologists studying animals in natural habitats are most likely to engage in which type of research? A)Case-study research. B)Naturalistic research. C)Experimental research. D)Correlational research. 24)Naturalistic research is most likely to reveal A)the strength of relationships among two or more variables. B)individual personal adjustment. C)laboratory controlled behavior. D)the natural flow of behavior. 25)Low-constraint research is A)easier because of lack of constraint. B)sometimes more burdensome. C)almost always more difficult and time consuming. D)generally much more expensive. 26)The work of Charles Darwin is an example of A)naturalistic observation. B)archival investigation. C)program research. D)field experimentation. 27)When Darwin and Wallace asked what kinds of processes would account for their observations, they were using A)deductive reasoning. B)inductive reasoning. C)the method of authority. D)the intuitive method. 28)Ethologists, who study animal behavior, often employ A)naturalistic methods. B)survey research. C)archival investigations. D)high-constriant research. 29)In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Adeline Levine studied A)the use and misuse of psychiatric diagnoses. B)the sociological effects of discovering that your neighborhood was built over a toxic waste dump. C)elephant behavior in Tanzania. D)the cultural behavior of primates. 30)Adeline Levine’s study of Love Canal residents A)could only have used naturalistic methodology. B)was an example of a program evaluation methodology. C)was an example of experimentation. D)primarily used archival research. Â


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