41) According to the theory building process elaborated upon in the text, the collection and analysis of data occurs because the ____________________. a. Theory-based social policy has been enacted b. Theory is proposed c. hypothesis is being tested d. social problems perspective states that it must be so e. social responsibility perspective states that this cannot occur earlier 42) The _________________ perspective holds the belief that individuals are fundamentally responsible for their own behaviour and that they choose crime over other, more law-abiding courses of action. a. social problems b. individual problem-based c. social responsibility d. social epidemic e. government-based 43) ________ may be defined as the use of standardized, systematic procedures in the search for knowledge. a. Inferential statistics b. Research c. Descriptive statistics d. Tests of significance e. Qualitative statistics 44) This perspective on crime believes that crime is the result of criteria that have been built into the law by powerful groups and are then used to label selected undesirable forms of behaviour as illegal. a. Sociological perspective b. Discrimination perspective c. Legalistic perspective d. Political perspective e. Research perspective 45) A crime provokes reactions from individuals it victimizes, from concerned groups of citizens, from the criminal justice system, and sometimes from society as a whole, which manifests its concerns via ________. a. law enforcement crackdown b. the enactment of new laws c. the creation of social policy d. increased media exposure and editorial debate e. increased political rhetoric 46) ________ research is characterized by original and direct investigation. a. Secondary b. Quasi-experimental c. Descriptive d. Primary e. Observational 47) Which form of law originates in the form of statutes or formal written strictures made by a legislature or governing body with the power to make law? a. Civil law b. Administrative law c. Criminal law d. Common law e. Statutory law 48) A(n) ________ refers to an experiment that attempts to hold conditions (other than the intentionally introduced experimental intervention) constant. a. External validity b. Internal validity c. Controlled experiment d. Research design e. Pure research design 49) The legalistic approach to crime ________. a. is found only in countries under totalitarian regimes b. is embodied in our complex court system c. sees crime solely as conduct in violation of the criminal law d. sees crime as a threat to continued self-government e. is popular among criminologists 50) In participant observation research, when researchers make their presence known to those whom they are observing (without attempting to influence the outcome of their observations or the activities of the group), they fit the category of ________. a. observer as complete participant b. control group observer c. participants who are observers d. research subject e. unobtrusive observer