11) According to ___________, schooling serves the capitalist aims of profit and compliant workers. a. conflict theorists b. symbolic interactionists c. functionalists d. feminists 12) Conflict theorists would agree with all of the following statements except a. schools prepare future generations for participation in the capitalist market. b. schools are structured to reflect workplaces. c. behaviour is motivated through external rewards that reflect the interests of a certain few. d. schools are structured in a way that promotes class mobility. 13) “Students from privileged class backgrounds are more likely to continue to higher levels of schooling than are students from lower social class backgrounds.” This statement supports the idea that schools are structured in such a way as to prevent social class mobility. This supports which sociological approach? a. conflict theory b. symbolic interactionism c. functionalism d. feminism 14) Rhonda believes that social resources are distributed fairly on the basis of who deserves what, and thus students who do not succeed in formal education deserve to occupy less socially valued positions. Such thinking is an example of a. meritocracy. b. functionalism. c. double indemnity. d. acquiescence. 15) In his class presentation, Ryan asserts, “Schools are instrumental in preparing future conformers and thus relinquishing their revolutionary possibilities for human development and progress.” Ryan is drawing on a ______________ perspective of education. a. conflict b. functionalist c. post-structuralist d. symbolic interactionist 16) Bowles and Gintis argue that schools in a capitalist society are structured in such a way as to prevent social class a. solidarity. b. consciousness. c. mobility. d. success. 17) Tuition fees and tuition fee increases in Canada are highest in these disciplines: a. social sciences b. fine arts c. natural sciences d. professional programs 18) Arguing from a conflict theorist perspective, high tuition rates a. are beneficial because they assure certain roles are fulfilled in society by those who are capable. b. allow only hard-working and dedicated students to pursue post-secondary education. c. create structural barriers that limit the participation of people located in lower classes. d. are not a significant issue in Canada. 19) _________ are interested in the meanings attached to school practices. a. Conflict theorists b. Symbolic interactionists c. Functionalists d. Feminists 20) The two most expensive areas of study at Canadian universities are a. dentistry and medicine. b. law and medicine. c. dentistry and law. d. business and law.