5.4 Limitations of Low-Constraint Methods 1)One of the major weaknesses of low-constraint methods is their A)flexibility. B)costliness. C)difficulty in getting participants. D)poor representativeness. 2)One of the problems with replicating low-constraint research is that A)researchers often don’t clearly state all details of their procedures. B)researchers fear that their theories will be stolen if they give too many details. C)there is not enough money available for replications. D)replication studies are viewed as low-prestige research. 3)Ex post facto reasoning refers most directly to A)reasoning “after the fact.” B)begging the question. C)refuting arguments on the basis of who makes them. D)smuggling premises. 4)In case-study research, we can A)have confidence in causal inferences drawn. B)draw causal inferences, which can be applied to the general population. C)speculate on causal connections that could be tested with higher-constraint research. D)rule out the effect of extraneous variables. 5)If we draw causal inferences from case-study research and we claim to have confidence in that relationship, we are A)interpreting high-constraint research as if it were low-constraint research. B)establishing a scientific fact. C)interpreting low-constraint research as if it were high-constraint research. D)contributing valuable scientifically proven material for higher-constraint research. 6)If a researcher was doing a study on the effect of TV violence on children’s behavior and wanted to test out inferred causality from previous case-study research, he would A)use higher constraint research procedures. B)use multiple case-study research techniques. C)take inferences at face value; no further research is necessary. D)disregard previous case-study research. 7)Case studies are by their nature A)quid pro quo approaches. B)ad hoc approaches. C)ex post facto approaches. D)post hoc approaches. 8)Which of the following is an example of an ex post facto fallacy? A)Since A and B are related, you assume that A caused B. B)Since the manipulation of the independent variable A results in a consistent change in the dependent variable B, you assume that the change in A causes the change in B. C)Since no correlation between A and B is found, you assume that there is no causal relationship between A and B. D)Since only a contingency between A and B is established, you assume that there is no causal connection between A and B. 9)Aggressive children watch a great deal of television. Therefore, watching a great deal of television leads to aggressive behavior in children. This statement is an example of A)a logical statement, which the researcher could test with confidence. B)an ex post facto fallacy, which could lead to misinterpretation of data. C)a hypothesis, which has been tested with mixed results. D)a true and verifiable statement of a predictive relationship. 10)Which of the following research approaches most frequently uses ex post facto approaches? A)Field experimentation. B)Differential research. C)Experimental designs. D)