61) Which of the following wholesaler’s channel functions is exemplified by buying in carload lots and then dividing these lots into small quantities? A) warehousing B) transportation C) risk bearing D) bulk breaking E) selling and promoting 62) ________ are the largest group of wholesalers. They include two broad types: full-service wholesalers and limited-service wholesalers. A) Brokers B) Manufacturer sellers C) Manufacturers’ agents D) Merchant wholesalers E) Selling agents 63) What is the most common type of agent wholesaler? A) wholesale merchant B) industrial distributor C) limited-service wholesaler D) manufacturers’ representative E) truck jobber 64) ________ and ________ do not take title to goods, and they perform only a few channel functions. A) Full-service wholesalers; limited-service wholesalers B) Brokers; agents C) Industrial distributors; cash-and-carry wholesalers D) Cash-and-carry wholesalers; industrial distributors E) Rack jobbers; off-price retailers 65) A(n) ________ brings buyers and sellers together and assists in negotiations. A) agent B) broker C) retailer D) wholesaler E) industrial distributor 66) A(n) ________ does not take title to goods and represents buyers or sellers on a more permanent basis than a broker. A) full-service wholesaler B) industrial distributor C) agent D) retailer E) cash-and-carry wholesaler 67) Which type of wholesaler sells to manufacturers rather than to retailers? A) industrial distributor B) full-service wholesaler C) cash-and-carry wholesaler D) wholesale merchant E) limited-service wholesaler 68) ________ are a type of limited-service wholesalers who carry a limited line of semiperishable merchandise (such as milk, bread, snack foods), which is sold for cash as deliveries are made to supermarkets, small groceries, or hotels. A) Industrial distributors B) Wholesale merchants C) Full-service wholesalers D) Truck jobbers E) Purchasing agents 69) ________ are a type of limited-service wholesalers who do not carry inventory or handle a product. They typically operate in bulk industries, such as coal, lumber, and heavy equipment. A) Wholesale merchants B) Industrial distributors C) Cash-and-carry wholesalers D) Rack jobbers E) Drop shippers 70) ________ are agents who take physical possession of products and negotiate sales. They deal mostly with agricultural marketing. A) Industrial distributors B) Cash-and-carry wholesalers C) Purchasing officers D) Rack jobbers E) Commission merchants


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