Section 2Â Â Project Planning 1) A project organization works best for an organization when the project resides in only one of its functional areas. 2) One responsibility of a project manager is to make sure that the project meets its quality goals. 3) Work breakdown structure is a useful tool in project management because it addresses the timing of individual work elements. 4) Project managers have their own code of ethics, established by the Project Management Institute. 5) Ethical issues that can arise in projects include gifts from contractors, pressure to mask delays with false status reports, and pressure to compromise project quality to meet bonuses or avoid penalties related to schedules. 6) A project organization: A) is effective for companies with multiple large projects. B) is appropriate only in construction firms. C) often fails when the project cuts across organizational lines. D) is most helpful for ongoing projects with no termination date. E) is most helpful when the work contains simple and unrelated tasks. 7) A code of ethics especially for project managers: A) has been established by the Project Management Institute. B) has been formulated by the Federal government. C) has been formulated by the World Trade Organization. D) is inappropriate, since everyone should use the same guidance on ethical issues. E) does not exist at this time. 8) Ethical issues that may arise in projects large and small include: A) gifts from contractors. B) exaggerated expense reports. C) compromised quality standards to meet bonuses or avoid penalties related to schedules. D) pressure to mask delays with false status reports. E) all of the above. 9) The project organization works best when which of the following conditions are satisfied? I.Work tasks can be defined with a specific goal and deadline. II.The job is typical and familiar to the existing organization. III. The work contains interrelated tasks requiring specialized skills. IV.The project is temporary but unimportant to long-term organizational success. V.The project cuts across organizational lines. A) I, II, III, IV, V B) None of the above conditions need to be satisfied. C) I, III, V D) I, II, III, V E) I, III, IV, V 10) A project organization that becomes permanent is often referred to as a: A) fixed project organization. B) matrix organization. C) normal organization. D) standard organization. E) permanent project organization.


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