21)Measures that are prone to distortions because of participants’ awareness of being observed are termed A)obtrusive measures. B)unobtrusive measures. C)reactive measures. D)nonreactive measures. 22)Behavioral measures that are not obvious to the person being measured are termed A)two-way mirrors. B)unobstructive measures. C)unobtrusive measures. D)biased measures. 23)Information about phenomena that have already occurred can be obtained by consulting A)unobtrusive measures. B)the index of leading economic indicators. C)a parapsychologist. D)archival records. 24)One of the drawbacks of using unobtrusive measurement techniques in a study could be A)unreliable data. B)participant bias. C)measurement reactivity. D)ethical difficulties. 25)Which of the following issues complicate the use of unobtrusive measures? A)There is no way to establish clearly the reliability of such measures. B)There is no way to establish clearly the validity of such measures. C)A person’s behavior will be distorted by the use of unobtrusive measures, making generalizability to other settings impossible. D)There is a potential ethical problem in measuring a person’s behavior without their knowledge or permission. 26)In which of the following research approaches would the inability to obtain informed consent be a major ethical concern?  A)Particpant observation. B)Unobtrusive measures. C)Contingency research. D)Archival research. 27)Obtaining “nose prints” on glass in an art exhibit was a clever and ________ way to measure ________. A)obtrusive; interest in art B)unobtrusive; interest in art C)archival; patrons’ height D)unobtrusive; patrons’ height 28)All of the following are difficulties associated with archival research EXCEPT A)the researcher has no control over variables. B)the data might be incomplete. C)the researcher might have difficulty locating some of the data. D)the data might be highly organized. 29)Archival data can be used for all of the following EXCEPT A)establishing cause and effect relationships among variables. B)making future predictions based on observed correlations. C)observing contingencies among variables. D)calculating correlations. 30)Archival data in ________ has been found to be unusually accurate and complete A)Canada B)the United States C)Britain D)


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