81. Which of the following disorders is more commonly known as “hardening of the arteries”? a. atherosclerosis b. osteoporosis c. hypertension d. dementia 82. John’s grandmother says she has “hardening of the arteries.” The more technical term for this condition is: a. osteoporosis b. atherosclerosis c. hypertension d. apnea 83. Atherosclerosis is most closely linked to a diet high in: a. protein b. fat c. sugar d. fiber 84. If you were to estimate the typical percentage of prescription errors that occur in administering medicines to older adults, the most accurate percentage would be which of the following? a. Errors occur in about 1% of the prescriptions that are given. b. Errors occur in about 2% of the prescriptions that are given. c. Errors occur in about 5% of the prescriptions that are given. d. Errors occur in 15% or more the prescriptions that are given. 85. Statistically speaking, which of the following people is the MOST likely to be taking 3 or more prescription medicines? a. Doris, who is a 70-year-old woman b. Donna, who is a 60-year-old woman c. Charles, who is a 50-year-old women d. Elway, who is a 50-year-old man 5 or more drug prescriptions in the previous month, by age. According to this figure, the percentage increases with age and today is about the same for men and women age 65 and over. 86. The average annual prescription drug cost for non-institutionalized Medicare recipients was about ____ in 1992, compared to about ____ in 2004. a. $100; $1,000 b. $200; $600 c. $500; $800 d. $500; $2,000 87. If you were to compare the average prescription drug costs of people age 65 and over in the U.S. in 2012 to these same costs in 2004, you would expect that they have gone up about: a. 15% b. 30% c. 60% d. 200% 88. According to the text, the upper end of the lifespan is thought to be about age: a. 105 b. 110 c. 120 d. 145 89. The normal aging process, not connected with the occurrence of disease in the individual, is called: a. gerontology b. senescence c. ageism d. osteoporosis 90. Dr. Rogers is giving a lecture in which he stresses that aging is a normal, natural process that is very much the same for all people, unless illness or injury is involved. The topic for this lecture would best be described as: a. stochastic theories of aging b. senescence c. senility d. dementia


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