161) Greg has always been taught that stealing is wrong. However, there is a rock video that he wants very badly. He sits down and plans a way to earn some money by getting a job so that he won’t have to steal the video. Greg’s planning to get a job most likely arises from his ________. A) id B) ego C) superego D) collective unconscious 162) Moral standards and values of a child’s parents and other important people in its life become internalized during ________. A) adolescence B) late childhood C) middle childhood D) early childhood 163) According to Freud, a child’s moral standards become internalized through the formation of the ________. A) id B) ego C) superego D) alter-ego 164) According to Freud, the moral standards and values of a child’s parents and other key people in the child’s life become internalized through the process of ________. A) reaction formation B) identification C) observational learning D) compensation 165) The superego operates according to the ________ principle. A) pleasure B) reality C) gratification D) moral 166) According to Freud, the part of the superego that represents the moral values we believe we should strive for is called the ________. A) ego ideal B) conscience C) persona D) collective unconscious 167) The internal moral guardian that monitors the ego and passes judgment on right and wrong is the ________. A) ego ideal B) conscience C) anima D) animus 168) Greg has always been taught that stealing is wrong. However, while shopping at the video store, he sees a video that he wants so badly that, on an impulse, he steals it. Later on he feels guilty about what he has done. Greg’s guilt arises from his ________. A) id B) ego C) superego D) alter-ego 169) Freud believed we protect ourselves from allowing socially unacceptable wishes or impulses that would be inconsistent with our oral values or social responsibilities from rising into conscious awareness through the use of ________. A) response sets B) defence mechanisms C) secondary process thinking D) primary process thinking 170) The ego uses defence mechanisms to ________. A) prevent socially unacceptable desires from reaching the unconscious parts of the mind B) prevent socially unacceptable desires from rising into consciousness C) mobilize the body to fight off or run away from an external threat D) prevent the superego from thwarting id desires


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