41) A new product carries a low price for a limited period of time to attract customers in what type of pricing strategy? A) price skimming B) trial pricing C) penetration pricing D) specialty pricing E) price bundling 42) ________ refers to the sale of two or more goods or services as a single package for one price. A) Two-part pricing B) Captive pricing C) Price bundling D) List pricing E) Everyday low pricing 43) ________ is a pricing tactic a firm uses for two products that work only when used together. The firm sells one item at a very low price and then makes its profit on the second high-margin item. A) Two-part pricing B) Price bundling C) Captive pricing D) Penetration pricing E) Skim pricing 44) Another name for F.O.B. factory pricing is ________ pricing. A) captive B) F.O.B destination C) F.O.B. origin D) F.O.B. delivered E) basing-point 45) With ________, the seller pays both the cost of loading and transporting the product to the customer. A) uniform delivered pricing B) basing-point pricing C) F.O.B. origin pricing D) F.O.B. delivered pricing E) F.O.B. factory pricing 46) When a company charges the same rate to ship a product anywhere in the United States, it is using which form of pricing? A) freight absorption B) F.O.B. factory C) F.O.B. origin D) uniform delivered E) basing-point 47) Whether a firm sells to businesses or directly to consumers, most pricing structures are built around which of the following? A) distribution costs B) channel length C) trade discounts D) sales promotions E) list prices 48) A list price is also referred to as a(n) ________. A) captive price B) bundled price C) channel price D) suggested retail price E) basing-point price 49) Trade or functional discounts are offered by manufacturers to which of the following? A) channel intermediaries who perform wholesaling tasks that the manufacturer would otherwise have to perform B) consumers who earn a price reduction for buying in bulk C) intermediaries who pay their bills before they are due D) manufacturers that agree to exclusive distribution contracts E) the government market and other organizations that require bid proposals 50) Which of the following is true about noncumulative quantity discounts? A) They encourage large single orders. B) They encourage a strong relationship between buyer and seller. C) They are based on a total quantity purchased within a set time period. D) They typically involve giving the buyer a credit to use against future orders. E) They encourage small, regularly spaced orders.


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