1.Developments in interest measurement can be traced to the work of a)Dale Carnegie b)Edward Strong c)Karl Culdary d)Steven Campbell 2.The first interest inventory developed by Strong was called the a)Strong Interest Inventory b)Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory c)Strong Vocational Interest Blank d)Strong-Campbell Interest Blank 3.During construction of the original Strong Interest Inventory, items were chosen for inclusion on the test if they a)differentiated the interests of occupational groups from those of the general reference group b)were strongly preferred by both the occupational group and the general reference group c)were rarely liked by both the occupational group and the general reference group d)fit Strong’s theory of occupational interests 4.All of the following are scales on the Strong Interest Inventory EXCEPT a)General Occupational Theme Scales b)Personal Style Scales c)Basic Interest Scales d)Behavior Pattern Scales 5.The Strong Interest Inventory can provide information about whether an examinee’s              interests are similar to those of people who persist in formal academic settings through the a)Learning Environment Scale b)Basic Interest Scale c)Work Style Scale d)Risk Taking/Adventure Scale 6.The scale on the Strong Interest Inventory that differentiates people who like substantial interpersonal contact in their work from those who prefer work with data, ideas, and things is the a)Learning Environment Scale b)Introversion-Extroversion Scale c)Work Style Scale d)Leadership Style Scale 7.The existence of six areas of vocational interest is represented on the Strong Interest              Inventory by the a)General Occupational Theme Scales b)Basic Interest Scales c)Holland-Hexagon Scales d)Big Six Scales 8.The Strong Interest Inventory provides specific information about the likes and dislikes of the respondent via the a)Basic Interest Scales b)Occupational Scales c)General Occupational Theme Scales d)Personal Style Scales 9.The most researched scales of the Strong Interest Inventory are the a)Basic Interest Scales b)General Occupational Theme Scales c)Personal Style Scales d)Occupational Scales 10.The Strong Interest Inventory reports scores via a)age norms b)grade norms c)profiles d)percentile ranks 1