36. You are surprised to discover that classical conditioning can produce immunosuppression. The original discovery of this phenomenon involved rats, but more recent studies indicate that immunosuppression may also occur in humans. This means that A. environmental triggers may be able to shut-down our immune systems. B. biological preparedness may hamper immunosuppression. C. environmental triggers may be able to circumvent our biological preparedness. D. All of these. 37. John is taking an agent that causes nausea every time he smokes a cigarette. This is a form of A. operant conditioning. B. counterconditioning. C. aversive conditioning. D. discrimination. 38. Kenny ate several hotdogs at the baseball game. Several hours later he got very nauseous and spent most of the night being physically sick. We can expect that he will A. lose his interest in baseball. B. only watch baseball on TV. C. be unable to eat a hotdog at the next ball game he attends. D. All of these. 39. Some children with seizure problems bang their heads against a wall causing themselves serious injury. As a result, a psychologist might administer a brief electric shock to such a child every time she bangs her head on the wall. This would be an example of A. negative reinforcement. B. observational learning. C. generalization. D. aversive conditioning. 40. In a particular TV add, an attractive model is shown with a red Corvette. Which of the following statements is correct? A. All cars will now elicit the anticipation of an attractive person. B. The attractive model will have no effect on viewers. C. The ad will be more effective in eliciting the anticipation of an attractive person if the person in the ad appears in ads for other car companies. D. The ad will work best if the Corvette precedes the appearance of the attractive person. Â Â


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