4.2 Organizing Data 1)Statistical simplification for nominal or ordinal data is often done by using A)a t-test. B)frequency distributions. C)means. D)standard deviations. 2)Which of the following is often computed with ordinal and nominal data? A)Frequencies. B)Means. C)t-tests. D)Random number tables. 3)Categorizing participants on the basis of more than one variable at a time is called A)multivariate tabulation. B)algorithmic tabulation. C)cross-tabulation. D)multi-matrix tabulation. 4)Cross-tabulation is the method used to help elucidate the relationships between A)ordinal measures. B)ratio measures. C)interval measures. D)nominal measures. 5)If a researcher wishes to categorize participants on the variables of sex and psychiatric diagnosis, he or she would arrange the data in a matrix called A)a graph. B)a cross-tabulation. C)a frequency distribution. D)a cross-linear matrix. 6)Cross-tabulation is used to A)categorize participants on the basis of two or more variables at one time. B)categorize participants on the basis of only two variables at one time. C)tabulate across different participants on one variable. D)tabulate across three variables for different participants. 7)Suppose a researcher wanted to classify college participants according to both where they live (dorm, apartment, at home) and type of high school they attend (public, Catholic, other private). The best way to do this would be using a A)univariate count. B)univariate distribution. C)cross-tabulation. D)grouped frequency distribution. 8)The row totals in a cross-tabulation represent A)univariate frequency distributions. B)multivariate frequency distributions. C)means of the variable. D)the modes of the variable. 9)In a cross-tabulation of religious affiliation and race, the frequency totals for the variable race represent A)a multivariate frequency distribution. B)a univariate frequency distribution. C)the mean of race variable. D)the mode of the race variable. 10)The simplest way to organize score data is with a A)cross-tabulation. B)t-test. C)multivariate count. D)frequency distribution. Â


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