11) The _____________ perspective on dreaming says that the complexity of our dreams is directly related to one’s mental abilities and capacities. 12) Claims of consciousness outside of the body during an out-of-body experience (OBE) are _____________ by research. 13) The critical thinking principle of _____________ requires that claims of near-death experiences should be interpreted as physiological changes within a dying brain rather than an altered state of consciousness. 14) Research documenting that hypnosis fails to make amazing or unusual things happen or that many hypnotic phenomena are not as unique as hypnotists would have an audience believe provides supportive evidence for the _____________ of hypnosis. 15) _____________ rejects claims that hypnosis is a true altered state of consciousness by demonstrating, through empirical research, that hypnotized behaviour is largely a function of one’s expectancies. 16) Researchers who are dubious of Hilgard’s and others’ claims of a “hidden observer” have documented that changing the instructions given to persons make the observer either more or less likely to appear. This has led Nicholas Spanos and others to rename the “hidden observer” the _____________. 17)_____________ drugs alter our conscious experience by altering the chemical processes in neurons. 18) Your textbook authors identified _____________ as the most widely used and abused drug. 19) Clark is trying to cut back his consumption of caffeine. Within a couple of days of stopping drinking caffeine entirely he experiences a headache and feels extremely 20) Using tobacco produces physiological changes including reported increases in alertness as well as increases in heart rate and blood pressure. It is most correct, therefore, to label tobacco as a _____________. 21) For several years around 1900, many health professionals and psychologists advocated the use of _____________. Sigmund Freud even used it to improve his mood. 22) A medical doctor might prescribe morphine for a postoperative patient to help alleviate _____________. 23)_____________ represent a collection of drugs that increase activity in the central nervous