1) When the fetal scalp is visible at the vaginal opening during a contraction, this is known as: A) effacement. B) crowning. C) stage three labor. D) engagement. 2) Which of the following is NOT part of normal management of the mother, postdelivery? A) Inspecting the perineum for tears B) High-concentration oxygen by nonrebreather mask C) Applying direct pressure to control hemorrhaging of perineal tears D) Frequently monitoring vital signs 3) Preterm labor is defined as labor that begins before ________ weeks of gestation. A) 40 B) 37 C) 36 D) 38 4) Which of the following maternal changes is expected during pregnancy? A) Decreased stroke volume, decreased heart rate B) Increased heart rate, increased blood pressure C) Increased blood pressure, increased cardiac output D) Increased cardiac output, increased blood volume 5) Your patient is a 32-year-old female who complains of the onset of contractions 45 minutes ago. She is 39 weeks pregnant, G3P2. She states that the contractions are 2 minutes apart but that her membranes have not ruptured. She is anxious and responds affirmatively when you ask if she feels an urge tomove her bowels. Which of the following is most likely? A) Imminent delivery B) Preterm labor C) Braxton-Hicks contractions D) Stage two of labor 6) Which of the following is a reliable sign of impending delivery? A) Meconium-stained amniotic fluid B) Crowning C) Loss of the cervical mucus plug D) Spontaneous rupture of the membranes 7) Approximately ________ percent of all neonates born in a hospital require resuscitation. A) 2 B) 18 C) 10 D) 6 8) Which of the following best describes the routine care of a newborn? A) Deep suctioning of the airway with an ETT and meconium aspirator, ventilation with 100 percent O2, CPR B) Suctioning of the airway with a bulb syringe, as needed, tactile stimulation, drying, warming, APGAR determination C) Tactile stimulation, drying, warming D) Drying, warming, allowing for suckling at the mother’s breast 9) Which of the following is NOT appropriate when assisting with prehospital delivery? A) Keep the newborn at the level of the vagina until the umbilical cord is cut. B) Rotate the baby’s head to the side as soon as it delivers. C) Suction the mouth as soon as the head delivers. D) Gently guide the baby’s head downward to deliver the upper shoulder. 10) Which of the following is NOT a function of the placenta? A) Supplying the developing fetus with maternal blood B) Secreting estrogen and progesterone required to maintain pregnancy C) Removing fetal waste products D) Transferring heat and nutrients to the developing fetus 1


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