51) Before travelling to France, Krista assumes that the people she meets there on her trip will be rude and stuck up. This is an example of a. discrimination. b. institutional Prejudice. c. prejudice. d. overt Prejudice. 52) An exception fallacy occurs when people draw conclusions about _________ based on ___________. a. individual members of a group, data gathered from an entire group b. an entire group, interactions with individual members of a group c. an entire group, stereotypes d. individual members of a group, stereotypes 53) A modelling agency refuses to represent any models that are above a certain weight and below a certain height. This is an example of a. prejudice. b. indirect institutional discrimination. c. gender discrimination. d. direct institutional discrimination. 54) According to Statistics Canada, an average of ______ percent of visible minority members have been the victims of discrimination. a. 15 b. 10 c. 20 d. 25 55) Members of the Frankfurt School, particularly Theodor Adorno, were responsible for developing which theory to explain prejudice and discrimination? a. scapegoat theory b. critical race theory c. authoritarian personality theory d. cultural authority theory 56) Darryl believes that immigrants are responsible for taking away jobs from native-born Canadians. This is an example of a. indirect institutional racism. b. direct institutional racism. c. scapegoating. d. prejudice. 57) Critical race theory a. is the Frankfurt School’s most notable contribution to the study of discrimination of prejudice. b. emerged in Europe as a response to the devastation of the Second World War. c. views the powerful economic elite in a society as benefiting from discrimination against the poor. d. began as an initiative to examine legal rulings that appeared to be negligent in upholding the legal principle of equality under the law. 58) Chantal’s job as a waitress is insecure and temporary, with her boss telling her she can be “replaced anytime.” She receives an hourly salary, and receives no fringe benefits. Chantal’s job is part of a. the primary labour market. b. the secondary labour market. c. the exploited labour market. d. the dual labour market. 59) Amarnath is a PhD student in sociology studying how the lives of South Americans were affected by the arrival of Europeans in the sixteenth Century. Which of the following theoretical positions would Amarnath most likely adopt? a. post-colonial theory b. Marxist exploitation theory c. Marxist colonial theory d. multi-racial theory 60) Which best describes why individuals continue to carry racist attitudes, despite scientific evidence of the contrary? a. Selective perception b. Contact hypothesis c. Stereotypes d. Racialization