51) What type of therapy would be least effective for psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia? a. Cognitive-behavioural therapy b. Biological treatments c. Psychodynamic therapy d. Electroconvulsive shock therapy 52) Humanistic-existential psychotherapists would be most likely to work with their clients to focus their attention to the ________ rather than to the ________. a. present; past b. present; future c. past; present d. future; past 53) Person-centred therapy is a type of ______ therapy. a. insight b. behavioural c. cognitive d. reality 54) The main difference between the humanistic-existentialist and other therapies is the a. importance of gaining insight into one’s difficulties. b. importance of the present over the past. c. importance of positive self-fulfillment in guiding one’s behaviour and thoughts. d. importance of the client-therapist relationship. 55) Lionel has been in therapy for four weeks now. At the first meeting with his therapist, the therapist waited for Lionel to begin discussing why he was there and what he hoped to gain from the session. The therapist also reminds Lionel that he is responsible for solving his own problems. Lionel’s therapist is making use of a. Frankl’s logotherapy. b. Jung’s analytic therapy. c. Beck’s cognitive therapy. d. Rogers’s person-centred therapy. 56) Carl Rogers asserts that an effective psychotherapist will a. provide unconditional positive regard and display empathy toward his or her client. b. interpret important transference and resistance behaviours for his or her client. c. actively confront and challenge his or her client’s erroneous beliefs. d. seek to identify how negative reinforcement is promoting maladaptive behaviours, feelings, and/or thoughts for an individual. 57) What is the primary goal of the therapist in person-centred therapy? a. To provide unconditional positive regard b. To facilitate transference c. To eliminate undesirable behaviours d. To help the client become more aware of his or her own feelings 58) Dr. Graham listens to Maria’s statements and then restates what he feels is Maria’s message and describes her emotions. What type of therapy is Dr. Graham practising? a. Person-centred b. Cognitive c. Behavioural d. Psychoanalytic 59) The person-centred therapist has to be able to acknowledge and understand what the client is feeling and experiencing. This process is referred to as a. empathy. b. unconditional positive regard. c. conditions of worth. d. reflection. 60) Judy’s therapist listens to her without interruption and judgment. She provides Judy with warmth and respect, without any conditions attached. Her therapist is demonstrating a. unconditional positive regard. b. genuineness. c. reflection. d. nondirective counter-transference.