81. Generalizing from data presented in the text, which of the following high school students would be LEAST likely to report having had sexual intercourse? a. James, an African American boy b. Cynthia, an African American girl c. Roberto, a Hispanic boy d. Lee, a white boy 82. Suppose you conduct a survey of 9th and 12th grade boys and girls. If the students in your survey respond in the same way as did students in 2009, you would expect that, in comparison to girls, boys in 9th grade reported ______ levels of sexual activity and boys in 12th grade reported _____ levels of sexual activity. a. higher; lower b. higher; higher c. lower; higher d. about the same; higher 83. Today in the U.S., about   % of male high school seniors and          % of female high school seniors report being sexually active. a. 80, 60 b. 70, 70 c. 65, 60 d. 60, 65 84. According to the text, adolescent boys and girls from two-parent families have ____________ sexual experience, compared to children from single-parent homes. a. less and later b. less but earlier c. more and earlier d. more but later 85. According to the text, about what percent of sexually active teenagers in the United States today have a sexually transmitted disease? a. 5% b. 20% c. 33% d. 50% 86. Mark is a typical high school student who is sexually active. If he and nine of his best high school friends are tested for sexually transmitted diseases, he should assume of that of these 10 young men, ___ will have positive test results. a. 0 b. 2 c. 4 d. 7 87. If you were to conduct a study of a “typical” high school in the United States today, you should expect that about _____ of the students would have been tested for AIDS. a. 1% b. 5% c. 13% d. 26% 88. About what percent of teenage girls in the U. S. become pregnant? a. 1% b. 8% c. 16% d. 25% 89. Which of the following 16-year-old girls is most likely to have had a baby? a. Alicia, who is African American b. Martha, who is Asian American c. Linda, who is a Native American d. Barbara, who is White 90. Suppose you study a group of 100 pregnant teenagers in the U. S. today. If this group is typical, you would expect about ___ to have their baby, about ___ to have an abortion, and about ___ to have a miscarriage. a. 25%; 50%, 25% b. 50%; 45%; 5% c. 75%; 20%; 5% d. 50%; 25%; 20%


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