111. When Braxton-Hicks contractions occur, they are considered to be part of: a. false labor b. initial labor c. delivery d. afterbirth 112. Suppose that your pregnant friend calls to tell you that she has just experienced “showing.” You should know that showing: a. occurs as the amniotic sac ruptures and fluid is released b. involves the release of the mucous plug that covers the cervix c. involves the baby’s descent into the birth canal, where its body features can now be distinguished more clearly d. she is having Braxton-Hicks contractions 11 Maria is in her ninth month of pregnancy. She begins to feel contractions, but when she gets up and walks around, the contractions go away. Most likely, she has experienced which of the following? a. showing b. the first stage of labor c. the second stage of labor d. Braxton-Hicks contractions 114. One method of determining whether contractions are part of false labor is to see if they go away or diminish: a. when the mother breathes deeply b. after 10 minutes c. when the mother walks d. after several minutes of abdominal massage 115. When a mother’s water breaks, this is the result of which of the following? a. the mucus plug that covers the cervix is released b. the mother urinates uncontrollably c. the amniotic sac ruptures and amniotic fluid is expelled d. the placenta is expelled 116. In comparison to having her first child, a mother having her third child should expect that: a. this child will be more likely to be a boy b. this child will be more likely to be a girl c. her labor and delivery will take longer d. her labor and delivery will take a shorter amount of time 117. An excited father who is watching his daughter be born exclaims with excitement, “I can see her head!” Technically, this would be referred to as: a. “showing” b. “crowning” c. an Apgar of 1 d. traditional childbirth 118. Sometimes physicians make an incision during childbirth to enlarge the vaginal opening. Such a procedure is called: a. caesarean section b. amniocentesis c. episiotomy d. chorionic villus sampling 119. In most cases, why would an episiotomy be performed? a. because the baby needs to be born faster, due to complications b. because the baby’s Apgar score is very low c. because the mother is unable to deliver the baby without pain killing medication d. because the baby’s head is so large that the vaginal opening might tear 120. Which of the following positions of the child during birth is considered most typical? a. head first, face down b. head first, face up c. buttocks first, face down d. buttocks first, face up


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