81. When parents are separated or never married and both have insurance coverage for their child, the insurance plan of the _____ is considered the primary plan. a.noncustodial parent b.custodial parent c.stepparent d.biological parent 82. Medical billers can benefit patients by: a.requesting copies of the insurance plan. b.offering suggested treatment plans to get the most out of insurance benefits. c.setting up payment plans. d.sending health care claims in a timely fashion. 83. Coordination of benefits is related to: a.two or more physicians performing a procedure. b.referral to a specialist. c.determining which insurance plan is the primary payer. d.arranging transportation to the physician’s office. 84. In which of the following situations could the surgery be considered “unnecessary”? a.An accident victim has plastic surgery to correct a deformity resulting from the accident. b.A burn victim has a surgical graph to replace burned skin. c.A patient wants a face-lift. d.An accident victim has a fractured ankle repaired. 85. Most physicians handle copayments: sending a bill to the patient. billing the insurance company, then the patient. requesting that the patient pay a portion of the copay at the time of service. requiring that the patient pay at the time of service. 86. Under what circumstances would a person not be required to work a minimum of amount of time before being eligible for insurance? a.If they work for the federal government b.If they work for the state government c.If they work in health care d.If they purchase private insurance 87. How would a medical biller find the information on what is covered for a patient? a.All coverage is the same. b.Do a search on the Internet. c.Look at the terms of the patient’s insurance policy. d.Talk to the patient. 88. The process of obtaining prior permission from the insurance company to perform a procedure is called: a.preauthorizing. b.e-mailing. c.contracting. d.negotiating. 89. What are the units referred to on a preauthorization request? a.Minutes to be spent with the patient b.The place the patient will go at the hospital c.The number of times the code will be used d.The amount of supplies being used 90. What is the main difference between a preauthorization and a predetermination? a.The treatment plan is included in a preauthorization. b.The treatment plan is included in a predetermination. c.One is for procedures, and the other is for hospitalization. d.One is required, and the other is not.


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