1) Fibrinolytic therapy is of little benefit if given: A) greater than one hour after onset of symptoms B) greater than 2 hours after onset of symptoms C) greater than 6 hours after onset of symptoms D) greater than 12 hours after onset of symptoms 2) The main side effect of fibrinolytics is: A) catastrophic hemorrhage B) allergic reaction C) ST elevation D) congestive heart failure 3) The correct dosage of ecotrin in a patient with chest pains is: A) 325 mg B) 1000 mg C) 500 mg D) 81 mg 4) All are relative contraindications for fibrinolytic therapy except: A) pregnancy B) severe uncontrolled hypertension C) known intracranial neoplasm D) recent trauma, previous eight weeks 5) All are absolute contraindications for fibrinolytic therapy except: A) major surgery three weeks prior B) unwillingness to give consent C) active internal bleeding within past three-week period D) suspected aortic dissection 6) The most common precaution with the use of tPA to watch out for is: A) fever B) anaphylaxis C) reperfusion dysrhythmias D) hypotension 7) When using the fibrinolytic Retavase, the second dose is given: A) 30 minutes after the first dose B) 20 minutes after the first dose C) 10 minutes after the first dose D) immediately after the first dose 8) The dosage of the fibrinolytic TNKase is: A) two infusions based on weight B) one infusion based on weight C) three infusions based on weight D) one dose based on weight, repeat in 30 minutes 9) One of the treatments for symptomatic bradycardia is: A) synchronized cardioversion B) unsynchronized cardioversion C) biphasic defibrillation D) transcutaneous cardiac pacing 10) All of the following bradydysrhythmias may require transcutaneous cardiac pacing except: A) third degree block B) symptomatic supraventricular tachycardia C) profound bradycardia D) idioventricular rhythm 1