37) A corporate bond is a promissory note issued by a firm when it borrows money. 38) In the circular flow diagram everyone’s expenditure is someone else’s receipt. 39) A dividend is paid by shareholders to firms. 40) A transfer payment is the tax one pays when transferring real estate. 41) A capital gain is the increase in value of an asset above its initial cost. 5.3Â Â A Brief History of Macroeconomics 1) To get the economy out of a slump, Keynes believed that the government should A) cut both taxes and government spending. B) increase both taxes and government spending. C) increase taxes and/or decrease government spending. D) decrease taxes and/or increase government spending. 2) To bring the economy out of an inflationary period, Keynes argued that the government should A) cut both taxes and government spending. B) increase both taxes and government spending. C) increase taxes and/or decrease government spending. D) decrease taxes and/or increase government spending. 3) Which of the following is an assumption used by Classical economists? A) Wages adjust downward but not upward. B) Wages adjust upward but not downward. C) Wages are inflexible. D) Wages adjust both upward and downward. 4) According to the Classical model, unemployment A) could not persist because wages would rise to eliminate the excess supply of labor. B) could not persist because wages would fall to eliminate the excess supply of labor. C) could be eliminated through fiscal and monetary policies. D) could be eliminated only through government intervention. 5) According to Classical economists, if the quantity of labor demanded exceeds the quantity supplied, there is a A) surplus of labor and wages will rise. B) shortage of labor and wages will fall. C) shortage of labor and wages will rise. D) surplus of labor and wages will fall.