21) A laceration that is perpendicular to the tension lines of the body is more likely to: A) Become infected B) Heal without a scar C) Be caused by blunt trauma D) Leave a noticeable scar 22) Your patient is a 30-year-old machinist who had his right hand caught in a press. Upon extrication there is no evidence of significant trauma. You should: A) Splint the hand in the position found, elevate above the heart, apply ice B) Splint in position of function, start an IV of normal saline, consider morphine for analgesia C) Wrap the hand in a bulky dressing held in place by an elastic bandage D) Apply oxygen by nonrebreather, splint using a sling and swath, insert a large-bore IV of lactated Ringer’s 23) Which of the following most accurately describes the bleeding you would expect from an abrasion? A) Bright red, steady flow B) Dark red, steady flow C) Dark red, oozing D) Bright red, oozing 24) Which of the following is a principle that should be used when considering application of a tourniquet to control bleeding? A) A tourniquet should be used for severe bleeding that cannot be controlled by any other means. B) Every 15 minutes the tourniquet will need to be removed for 5 minutes, then reapplied. C) A narrow, nonelastic material is best for generating the pressure needed to stop bleeding. D) A blood pressure cuff used as a tourniquet will maintain its pressure if it has been properly applied. 25) Your patient is a 15-year-old soccer player who was kicked in the calf by another player. She has a contusion on her calf, but the amount of pain she is experiencing seems out of proportion to the apparent injury. You note that, although you can palpate a pedal pulse, there is swelling in the foot and ankle, and the skin is cool to the touch. You should suspect which of the following at this time? A) Compartment syndrome B) Volkmann’s ischemic contracture C) Crush syndrome D) Degloving injury 26) The bacteria most often associated with infection of open soft-tissue injury is: A) Streptococcus B) Pseudomonas aeruginosa C) Staphylococcus D) Clostridium tetani 27) Your patient is a three-year-old male who has struck his head on a concrete patio. He has a linear wound that penetrates the dermis and is approximately 2 cm long. This wound would be best described as a(n): A) Contusion B) Puncture C) Avulsion D) Laceration 28) Your patient is a 45-year-old type II diabetic who has a nonhealing wound on his right foot. You note that the right leg is discolored and edematous and has subcutaneous emphysema and a foul odor. Which of the following should you suspect? A) MRSA B) Gangrene C) Tetanus