11.Which of the following is not a technique commonly used as a “coaching” method on              aptitude tests? a)coaching clinics b)self-help study books c)computer/software d)videotapes 12.Research has shown that “coaching” on aptitude tests a)has no effect on scores b)increases test scores by about 2 standard deviations c)increases test scores by about 1 standard deviation d)increases test scores by about 1/4 to 1/2 standard deviations 13.According to the authors, people who benefit most from coaching are those whose a)academic skills are rusty b)grades are low c)academic skills are current d)writing skills are sharp 14.Decisions are sometimes inaccurate. In academic settings, the most frequent              inaccurate decision is a __________. a)true negative b)true positive c)false negative d)false positive 15.Ability tests have helped identify a)those students who suffer developmental delays in maturation b)those students who are extremely gifted c)both a and b d)none of the above 16.The use of aptitude tests in classroom selection is designed to a)maximize motivation while minimizing frustration b)increase difficulty level of material presented, in order to exceed comprehension c)minimize motivation while maximizing frustration d)decrease difficulty level of material presented, in order not to exceed              comprehension 17.Aptitude tests can be used to a)predict success for college admission b)predict success in certain career choices c)identify ability, strengths and weaknesses d)all of the above 18.Tests affect decisions by a)providing irrelevant data b)always predicting areas of success c)functioning as a useful tool d)correctly placing people in the right position 19.Comparing test performance to some objectively-stated goal of achievement is the essence of a)norm-referenced testing b)predictive-referenced testing c)criterion-referenced testing d)concurrent-referenced testing 20.Comparing the scores of examinees to those of others taking the same tests is the essence              of a)norm-referenced testing b)predictive-referenced testing c)criterion-referenced testing d)concurrent-referenced testing 21.Using a specified content area as the basis for comparison illustrates a)norm-referenced testing b)predictive-referenced testing c)criterion-referenced testing d)concurrent-referenced testing 22.Portfolio assessment has a)not met the standards of reliability and validity that are expected of psychological assessment b)been shown to work as well as performance-based assessment in industrial settings c)been shown to work much better than performance-based assessment in industrial settings d)never been investigated as a psychological assessment technique


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