11)In considering the influence of prior research on future studies, we can say that A)heuristic influence is important but systematic influence is not. B)systematic influence is important but heuristic influence is not. C)neither type of influence is important to the continued development of science. D)both types of influence are important to the continued development of science. 12)What is the term for the type of influence exerted when a theory generates a great deal of interest and thus generates several lines of research? A)applied research B)basic research C)heuristic research D)implicit research 13)The question, “How can we train people to be better drivers?” A)is too vague a question to lead to research. B)cannot be subjected to research. C)is an applied research question. D)is a basic research question. 14)Studying the factors that affect the auditory memory of monkeys is an example of A)applied research. B)nomothetic research. C)basic research. D)generalization research. 15)When a theory or research generates a great deal of attention and interest, along with suggesting further areas of study, the theory is said to have ________ influence. A)systematic B)positive C)heuristic D)hermeneutic 16)Basic research has A)no specific practical goals. B)specific and practical goals. C)little value in terms of adding to knowledge. D)more value in the “real world.” 17)Basic and applied research are related because A)one cannot be done without the other. B)they are always part of a continuum. C)basic research findings are often used in applied research. D)they are the meeting point of the natural and psychological sciences. 18)Which type of influence is involved in the testing of explicit propositions in a step-by-step research program? A)Propaedeutic influence. B)Systematic influence. C)Pedagogic influence. D)Heuristic influence. 19)Research that is concerned with providing solutions to practical problems is called A)basic research. B)applied research. C)fundamental research. D)heuristic research. 20)The line between basic and applied research is A)often difficult to delineate. B)clear and precise. C)used to differentiate between important and less important scientific figures. D)measured by statistical significance. Â