21) Governments are just about the only customers for certain products, such as jet fighters. The government is a(n) ________. A) end user B) organization C) gatekeeper D) facilitator E) reseller 22) Which of the following make up the largest single business and organizational market in the United States? A) raw material markets B) producer markets C) not-for-profit markets D) e-commerce markets E) government markets 23) Not-for-profit institutions such as the Salvation Army and the Red Cross belong to the ________ class of B2B consumers. A) raw material B) producer C) organization D) commerce E) reseller 24) Which of the following is most likely to have an unprofessional or part-time buyer who needs more advice and assistance from marketers before and after a sale? A) a reseller B) a mass producer C) a foreign government D) a state government E) a not-for-profit institution 25) Which of the following statements does NOT apply to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)? A) NAICS is a numerical coding of industries developed by NAFTA countries. B) NAICS can be used by firms to assess potential markets. C) NAICS replaced the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. D) NAICS can be used to find new customers. E) NAICS is a consumer buying directory for North America. 26) The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) ________. A) is a replacement for the Better Business Bureau B) was developed in Europe C) includes information about industries in Mexico, Canada, and the United States D) uses a two-digit code that sorts industries into subsectors E) is a listing of consumer products 27) Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce ________. A) links marketers directly to their business customers B) has little effect on the way businesses operate C) does not rely upon the Internet D) has only two simple forms E) is conducted almost exclusively through private exchanges 28) Business-to-business ________ refers to Internet exchanges between two or more businesses or organizations. A) social media B) outsourcing C) e-commerce D) reciprocity E) buyclass 29) Which of the following is the simplest form of B2B e-commerce? A) online catalogs B) reciprocal sites C) intranets D) extranets E) private exchanges 30) Many companies maintain ________, which are internal corporate computer networks that use Internet technology to link company departments, employees, and databases. A) Web sites B) search engines C) extranets D) intranets E) private exchanges