21. On a variable-ratio schedule, reinforcement is most likely after a. a long interresponse time b. a pause in responding c. one reinforcer has just been delivered d. none of the above 22. If an animal doubles its response rate on a variable-interval schedule, the rate of reinforcement a. will double b. will not change c. will usually increase slightly d. will decrease 23.  Evidence from laboratory experiments on why responding is faster on VR than VI schedules has favored a. the molar theory b. the molecular theory c. the fatigue theory d. the generalization decrement theory 24. To help an autistic child learn to say the word ball, the therapist might use his hand to guide the child’s mouth and lips into the proper position. This is an example of a. shapingc. fading b. promptingd. partial reinforcement 25. To be effective, a token reinforcement system a. must provide the patient with tokens that are physical objects, such as poker chips b. should only allow the tokens to purchase desired activities, not physical objects c. should be terminated abruptly once a patient’s behavior has improved d. none of the above 26. Unlike many attempts of ordinary people to change another individual’s behavior, with behavior modification a. the rules for reinforcement are always applied consistently b. primary reinforcers are always used c. continuous reinforcement is always used d. all of the above 27. Behavioral marital therapy usually does not involve a. measuring and recording the behaviors of one’s spouse b. learning how to punish a spouse’s bad behaviors c. learning communication and problem-solving skills d. creating a written contract between spouses 28. Behavioral marital therapy can include a. a contingency contract b. behavior exchange c. training in communication and problem-solving skills d. all of the above


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