31.Marx defined the social classes as people who share a common relationship to the society’s: a.means of production.c.private property. b.public property.d.government. 32.According to Marx, the _____ is whatever is used in that society to create wealth. a.means of coinagec.monetary standard b.means of productiond.type of government 33.In Marx’s theory, individuals may be related to the means of production in a number of ways, so there are a number of different social classes, but the most crucial distinction is always between: a.the people in the government and the owners of the means of production. b.those who own the means of production and all of the classes that do not own productive resources. c.those who do not own productive resources and the people in the government. d.the upper and lower classes. 34.Marx believed that in order for a revolution to take place, the subordinate class must gain: a.class consciousness.c.a counter ideology. b.some productive resources.d.false consciousness. 35.Any belief or social practice that convinces subordinate groups that their lack of property, prestige and power is proper is referred to as: a.class consciousness.c.a counter ideology. b.some productive resources.d.false consciousness. 36.Weber agreed with Marx that social stratification is based on property, but he believed that there were two other dimensions other than property that divide them. They are: a.power and cultural capital.c.prestige and cultural capital. b.power and prestige.d.power and entrepreneurship. 37.The central point in Weber’s analysis is that social stratification is: a.unidimensional.c.multidimensional. b.unilateral.d.entrepreneurial. 38.According to Weber, ranked strata based on different lifestyles or patterns of consumption that are accorded different levels of honor, esteem or prestige are called: classes.c.status groups. b.subcultures.d.prestige groups. 39.Aspects of lifestyle that help to define an individual’s class location, such as values, attitudes, language patterns, and consumption preferences, are referred to as: a.cultural baggage.c.status symbols. b.cultural symbols.d.cultural capital. 40.For Weber, __________ was the ability of one social actor to compel a second actor to behave in a way in which the latter would not otherwise have acted. a.powerc.authority b.cultural


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