301) In Canada, almost __________ people are foreign-born. A) one in five B) one in ten C) one in fifteen D) one in twenty 302) In Canada, the cultural consultation services (CCS) model was designed to _________. A) create a specific agency to service persons from diverse cultural backgrounds B) translate assessment and treatment programs into English C) create a database to track persons of diverse cultural backgrounds D) work with existing systems using a culturally diverse team 303) People who are placed in psychiatric institutions because they show abnormal behaviours and are deemed to be a threat to themselves or others are committed through a process of ________ commitment. A) social B) institutional C) legal D) civil 304) Psychiatric commitment is the same as ________ commitment. A) social B) institutional C) legal D) civil 305) People who are placed in psychiatric institutions because they were acquitted of a crime by reason of insanity are committed through a process of ________ commitment. A) social B) institutional C) legal D) civil 306) People must be judged ________ to be psychiatrically committed. A) unable to care for their own needs B) mentally ill, but not necessarily dangerous C) dangerous but not necessarily mentally ill D) mentally ill and dangerous 307) Mental health professionals tend to ________ dangerousness in mental health patients. A) refuse to predict B) underpredict C) accurately predict D) overpredict 308) Professionals tend to show a consistent ________. A) inability to recognize dangerous behaviour B) bias in favour of underpredicting dangerousness C) ability to accurately recognize dangerousness D) bias in favour of overpredicting dangerousness 309) The accuracy of predicting violence, especially violence in the long term, is improved if clinicians use the ________ Checklist or similar instruments. This checklist was developed by psychologist Robert Hare and his colleagues at the University of British Columbia. A) Antisocial B) Psychopathy C) Minnesota D) Violence 310) Which of the following types of threats is the MOST reliable indicator of dangerousness? A) a vague, indirect threat B) a specific, indirect threat C) a vague, direct threat D) a specific, direct threat