41) Which of the following would be most useful for paramedics to carry with them as an aid to proper documentation? A) Pocket-sized thesaurus B) Copy of previous charts C) Pocket-sized medical dictionary D) Quality assurance policy 42) Why do patient refusals warrant more thorough documentation than typical EMS calls? A) Additional witnesses must be quoted. B) The patient is usually not competent. C) There is more time available before the next assignment. D) The potential for abandonment charges is greater. 43) Why should the PCR be completed immediately after the call? A) The medical control physician must sign it. B) You must get back in service. C) The information is fresh in your mind. D) The receiving facility demands it. 44) Which of the following statements is inappropriate for a prehospital care report? A) The patient had trouble walking. B) The patient’s appearance indicated a lack of self-care. C) The patient was intoxicated. D) The patient stated, “I feel fine.” 45) You are allowed to share the information in patient charts with all of the following, EXCEPT: A) Law enforcement officials, in specific situations B) Third-party billing companies C) Medical professionals providing continuing care D) Other paramedics not on the call 46) To correct an error on the PCR, the paramedic should: A) Make it a habit to use erasable ink so mistakes can be completely erased B) Cross it out with one line and initial it C) Block it out completely D) Use correction fluid matching the paper color of each copy of the PCR 47) Use of prehospital care reports for quality improvement is an example of their ________ use. A) Medical B) Administrative C) Patient care D) Legal 48) Which of the following is the paramedic’s interpretation of the patient’s problem? A) Chief complaint B) Subjective opinion C) Patient complaints D) Field diagnosis 49) Seeking and recording pertinent negatives demonstrates which of the following? A) Charting by exception B) Thoroughness of your examination C) Thoughtfulness of your care D) Use of the PERT-NEG format 50) The standard charting abbreviation for nitroglycerin is: A) NTG B) NGT C) Nitro D) N2O


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