1.The main advantage(s) of group testing is (are) a)standardization b)less complex examiner’s role c)efficiency d)all of the above 2.The test best regarded as a machine-scorable analog of the Revised Wechsler Adult              Intelligence Scale (WAIS-R) is the a)Multidimensional Aptitude Battery (MAB) b)Scholastic Assessment Tests (SAT) c)Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Machine (WAIS-M) d)Objective Aptitude Battery (OAB) 3.The correlation between the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery and the Wechsler Adult              Intelligence Scale is a)extremely low b)considered moderate c)fairly high d)the two tests have not been correlated with each other 4.The subtest of the Cognitive Abilities Test in which children must identify the picture              which does not belong in a specific series of pictures is called the a)Oral Vocabulary Test b)Relational Concept subtest c)Figure Classification subtest d)Quantitative Concepts subtest 5.Levels A–H of the Cognitive Abilities Test is designed for children a)of preschool age b)in first grade c)in second and third grades d)in third to twelfth grades 6.The Cognitive Abilities Test has shown reliability levels a)between .85 and .95 b)in excess of 1.00 c)between .75 and .85 d)between .65 and .75 7.That the Cognitive Abilities Tests have shown high correlations with other aptitude and              achievement tests provides evidence of a)concurrent validity b)test-retest reliability c)construct validity d)predictive validity 8.The test(s) used to help make decisions for admissions and placement for prospective              college students is(are) the a)Stanford Achievement Tests b)Graduate Record Examination c)College Admissions Test d)Scholastic Assessment Tests 9.An individual who scores 600 on the Verbal test of the Scholastic Assessment Test I (SAT I) and 425 on the Mathematical test of the SAT I is a)more proficient in verbal ability than in mathematical ability b)better than average on the verbal test when compared to the norm group c)more suited for an English curriculum in college d)deficient in mental ability because of the difference in the two scores 10.A new score scale for the SAT was adopted in 1995 based on a more recent normative sample because a)the test content was seriously outdated b)changes in the population made the old norms less relevant c)it was no longer financially feasible to reference the 1941 norms d)of the need to make the test easier for modern test takers 1