161. Which of the following is FALSE regarding older adults and work? a. Older workers have more accidents on the job than younger workers. b. Older workers are more satisfied with, more committed to, and more motivated about their jobs and organizations than younger workers are. c. Older workers tend to have better work ethics than younger workers. d. Older workers are less likely than younger workers to leave jobs voluntarily. 162. Which of the following is FALSE regarding older adults and work? a. When job-related accidents do occur, the older worker generally has more serious accidents than younger workers do. b. Older workers are more satisfied with, more committed to, and more motivated about their jobs and organizations than younger workers are. c. Older workers tend to have better work ethics than younger workers. d. Older workers usually perform poorer on the job than do younger workers due to cognitive decline and speed of response. 163. Which of the following is/are TRUE regarding older workers and work? a. Older workers usually perform poorer on the job than do younger workers due to cognitive decline and speed of response. b. Older workers do not participate in training and development activities as much as their younger colleagues do. c. Older workers have more accidents on the job than younger workers. d. All of these statements are true. 164. Older workers tend to perform as well as younger workers on the job because a. cognitive changes may not become obvious until many older workers are ready to retire. b. older and younger workers often perform different jobs, with workers selecting jobs that fit their abilities. c. older workers can solve problems by remembering how they solved similar problems in the past, while younger workers more often have to work out new solutions. d. of all of these reasons. 165. Which of the following is FALSE regarding older workers and work? a. Older workers usually perform poorer on the job than do younger workers due to cognitive decline and speed of response. b. Older workers do not participate in training and development activities as much as their younger colleagues do. c. Older workers have fewer accidents on the job than younger workers. d. Older employees learn new skills as well as younger people, although training may need to be adapted. 166. Why do older workers not participate in training and development activities as much as their younger colleagues do? a. In some cases, older workers do not see the value of the information being offered to them. b. In some cases, employers do not encourage them to attend training because they believe older workers are less likely than younger employees to catch onto new ideas. c. Older workers sometimes lack confidence in their ability to learn because they feel older than their coworkers. d. All of these are reasons that older workers do not participate in training and development activities as much as their younger colleagues do. 167. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE regarding the use of computers by people over 55 years of age? a. The largest increases in computer and Internet appliance purchases have been among people over 55 years of age. b. One-half of older Internet subscribers surf the Net every day. c. Older adults do just as well as younger people once they have learned how to use technology. d. All of these statements are true. 168. Older adults use the Internet to a. find useful health information. b. buy clothing and other products. c. reduce feelings of isolation through e-mail. d. do all of these. 169. Older adults learn computer skills faster and retain more information when a. instructions are simple and concrete. b. they are trained only with other older adults. c. training includes illustrations and practice opportunities. d. all of these occur. 170. Older adults learn computer skills faster and retain more information when a. training includes extraneous information that makes the training more interesting. b. they are trained with younger adults. c. training includes illustrations and practice opportunities. d. all of these occur.