MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 5-1) Which of the following characteristics is not found in a “true” experiment? a. Tends to mimic naturalistic, “real-world” situations and events. b. Manipulates or controls the levels of an independent variable. c. Compares the dependent variable under at least two situations. d. Controls unwanted effects of extraneous variables on the dependent variable(s). 5-2) In “true” experiments, researchers attempt to implement a high degree of control in order to a. make the study more naturalistic. b. enhance the study’s external validity. c. minimize the likelihood of confounding. d. avoid making cause-effect conclusions. 5-3) Experiments can lead to cause-effect conclusions if they meet three different criteria: 1) covariation of variables; 2) causal time sequence; and 3) a. strong, positive correlations between the variables being investigated. b. elimination of other plausible causes. c. representing “real world” situations and events. d. utilizing white, laboratory rats as research subjects. 5-4) Experiments can lead to cause-effect conclusions if they meet three different criteria: a. covariation of variables. b. causal time sequence. c. elimination of other plausible causes. d. all of the above 5-5) Professor James is designing a study that will investigate the role of practice in the amount of time it takes laboratory rats to learn a maze. In designing the study, she makes sure that she randomly assigns different rats to the experimental and control groups in order to equalize the two groups before collecting any data. To which of the three criteria for determining cause-effect conclusions is this step addressed? a. Covariation of variables b. Causal time sequence c. Elimination of other plausible causes d. None of the above 5-6) Ideally, the variance that an independent variable produces should be a. random. b. systematic. c. unexplained. d. nonexistent. 5-7) In manipulating independent variables, which types of variables involve the physical or social features of the surroundings that the participants experience? a. Environmental variables b. Instructional variables c. Task or activity variables d. Invasive variables 5-8) In manipulating independent variables, which types of variables involve variations in the directions that participants receive prior to the study? a. Environmental variables b. Instructional variables c. Task or activity variables d. Invasive variables 5-9) In manipulating independent variables, which types of variables involve varying the quantity or quality of the actions in which the participants will engage? a. Environmental variables b. Instructional variables c. Task or activity variables d. Invasive variables 5-10) In manipulating independent variables, which types of variables involve physical changes produced within the participant’s body via the administration of drugs or surgical manipulations? a. Environmental variables b. Instructional variables c. Task or activity variables d. Invasive variables 1


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