31. Which of the following changes is typical of how most adults experience middle adulthood? a. They become slightly taller. b. They become slightly thinner. c. Their heart pumps less blood. d. Their lung capacity decreases. 32. If you were to interview a representative sample of 100 women and 100 men who are 50 years old, about how many of them would likely report having been on a diet to control their weight? a. 51% of women and 42% of men b. 42% of women and 51% of men c. 87% of women and 59% of men d. 59% of women and 87% of men 33. According to the text, the heart pumps an average of ______ blood to the body for each decade after the beginning of adulthood. a. 15% less b. 8% less c. 5% more d. 15% more 34. What is the term for the broad complex of physical and emotional symptoms that accompany reproductive changes in middle adulthood? a. climacteric b. menarche c. midlife crisis d. menopause 35. The climacteric is experienced by: a. men at the time of the midlife crisis b. women in middle adulthood, but not men c. men and women in middle adulthood d. women in late adulthood 36. According to the text, which of the following is the most accurate statement about how men and women experience the climacteric? a. Both men and women experience the climacteric, but women’s experience is more dramatic. b. Both men and women experience the climacteric, but men’s experience is more dramatic. c. Women experience the climacteric, but men do not. d. Men experience the climacteric, but women do no. 37. What is the end of menstruation called? a. climacteric b. menopause c. menarche d. amenorrhea 38. Melissa is in middle adulthood. If she is typical, when can she expect menopause to occur? a. between ages 40 and 45 b. between ages 45 and 48 c. between ages 45 and 55 d. between ages 52 and 56 39. Martha is 50 years old and is beginning to experience the symptoms associated with menopause. About how old will she likely be when the process of menopause is finished? a. 51 years old b. 53 years old c. 55 years old d. 57 years old 40. Eloise, age 50, has developed erratic ovulation, her uterus is shrinking, and there has been some reduction in her breast size. Her physician tells her that these are symptoms that normally accompany which of the following? a. ovarian cancer b. cervical cancer c. menopause d. the midlife crisis for women


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