71. According to the views of Erik Erickson, which of the following statements best reflects the negative side of the developmental crisis experienced by typical 2-year-olds? a. I can’t do anything myself without failing. b. I don’t know who I am. c. I am afraid my parents don’t love me. d. I don’t feel like I can depend on anyone but myself. 72. The “terrible twos” result because 2-year-old children typically experience a conflict between: a. wanting to trust their caregiver but fearing that the caregiver will let them down b. wanting to be independent but also needing to rely on caregivers for support c. wanting to love and to hate their caregivers at the same time d. wanting others to like them but also wanting to be selfish and have everything their own way 73. According to Erikson, what is the primary developmental conflict of the years from 3 to 6? a. autonomy versus shame and doubt b. trust versus mistrust c. initiative versus guilt d. industry versus inferiority 74. According to Erik Erikson, most 3-year-olds have developed a sense of autonomy and then can begin to focus on the conflict between: a. initiative versus guilt b. love and empathy c. trust and mistrust d. ego integrity and despair 75. According to Erik Erikson, the developmental challenge faced by 3- to 6-year olds is one of: a. integrity versus despair b. trust versus mistrust c. autonomy versus shame and doubt d. initiative versus guilt 76. Which of the words below best captures the developmental challenge for the typical 3- to 6-year-old child? a. competence b. autonomy c. trust d. love 7 The internal guide that alerts us when we violate moral rules or standards is called: a. conscience b. conscious c. ego d. id 78. When people’s behavior violates the moral standards they believe in, this triggers their _________ to make them feel ___________. a. ego; empathetic b. conscience; guilty c. id; responsible d. autonomous self; incompetent 79. A 6-year-old child says, “I did this REALLY WELL! I am a SMART girl!” These statements best reflect Erik Erikson’s concept of: a. autonomy b. trust c. initiative d. independence 80. Jeanette misbehaves a lot because she has no real sense of the difference between right and wrong behavior. Psychologists would say that she has failed to develop: a. autonomy b. a conscience c. initiative d. empathy


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