11) Sunk costs A) are costs associated with repairing something you already own. B) are important for optimal decision making. C) are costs that have already been paid and cannot be recaptured in any significant way. D) are costs that firms sink into marketing. 12) Which of the following is a common mistake consumers commit when they make decisions? A) They take into account nonmonetary opportunity costs but ignore monetary costs. B) They are overly pessimistic about their future behavior. C) They fail to ignore sunk costs. D) They sometimes value fairness too much. 13) Which of the following is not a common mistake made by consumers? A) the failure to take into account the implicit costs of an activity B) the failure to ignore sunk costs C) being overly optimistic about their future behavior D) being overly pessimistic about their future behavior 14) Grace Makutsi finally bought a pair of blue shoes that she had been coveting for a long time. In less than a week she discovered that the shoes were uncomfortable. Grace went back to wearing her old pair and stashed away the new pair. When asked by her boss, Mme. Ramotswe why does she not simply give away the new pair, she said: “But I paid so much for them.” Grace’s behavior A) is rational: she should not discard a valuable item. B) ignores the fact that the purchase price is now a sunk cost and has no bearing on whether she should give them away or not. C) supports the endowment effect which states that ownership of an item makes it more valuable. D) is rational because the more you pay for an item the more valuable it is. 15) Standard economic theory asserts that sunk costs are irrelevant in making economic decisions, yet studies conducted by behavioral economists reveal that sunk costs often affect economic decisions. Which of the following could explain this observation? A) People measure the value of a good in terms of its purchase price. B) Even though sunk costs cannot be recovered, it has been incurred and therefore should be treated as part of the product’s value. C) If consumers maximize their utility, it makes sense to consider the full purchase price of a product in their consumption decisions. D) Sunk costs have a higher opportunity cost than costs that can be recovered. 16) Many celebrities are paid to endorse products, but celebrity endorsements do come with risks. Once a firm is associated with a celebrity, consumers associate the product with the celebrity. This association can turn negative if the celebrity gets arrested or becomes associated with an embarrassing scandal. Should a company whose celebrity endorser was just arrested be guided by the amount it has already poured into making ads featuring the celebrity in its decision about whether or not to cancel the ad campaign? A) Yes, even in the case of negative publicity, celebrity endorsements really do have a significant effect on consumer choice so the amount already spent to purchase this endorsement is relevant. B) No, the amount spent to launch the campaign is a sunk cost; the firm’s primary concern at this point is the effect of the negative publicity on the product’s image. C) Yes, a firm must take in all costs in deciding whether or not to yank the campaign. If the revenue loss (due to the negative publicity) is small compared to the cost of the campaign, then it makes sense to continue the campaign. D) No, although the amount spent to launch the campaign cannot be recovered, the firm can still reap some benefit by taking out another ad in support of the celebrity. 17) Arnold Kim began blogging about Apple products during his fourth year of medical school. Kim’s Website,, became so successful that he decided to give up his medical career and work full time on his Website, despite the nearly $200,000 he had invested in his education. In making his decision, Kim decided to ignore the money and time he spent on his education. Economists would say that Kim made a A) rational decision to ignore these sunk costs. B) poor decision since he had already invested his time and money on his medical career. C) poor decision since doctors are in greater demand than bloggers. D) hasty decision by not waiting to recoup his financial investment before giving up his medical career. 18) A fair number of people buy expensive gym memberships to commit themselves to exercising. Yet, data from health clubs show that many do not follow through with their intentions and end up losing money on their membership contracts. Which of the following could explain this behavior? A) People have a tendency to pursue immediate gratification in a way that their ‘long-run selves’ do not appreciate (quoted from Ted O’Donoghue and Matthew Rabin, “Choice and Procrastination,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2001, pp. 125-26.) B) People tend to be overly optimistic about their future behavior so much so that after making an expensive investment in the membership, they overate the dividends they expect to reap. C) People fail to ignore the sunk cost of a gym membership when making the purchase. D) People realize after the fact that they have made a mistake but unfortunately memberships are often not transferable and not refundable. 19) A common mistake made by consumers is the failure to take into account the sunk costs of their actions. 20) The endowment effect is the tendency of people to be unwilling to sell a good they already own even if they are offered a price greater than they would be willing to pay to buy the good if they did not already own it.


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