51) Which of the following is NOT a CanCon regulation? a. Programming must reflect Canadian attitudes, opinions, ideas, and values. b. The majority of actors or directors must be Canadian. c. displaying Canadian talent d. offering a Canadian point of view 52) According to a functionalist perspective, which of the following is NOT a function of mass media’s contributions to society? a. socialization function b. surveillance function c. excitement function d. correlation function 53) The media’s role in filtering and making comprehensible the huge daily volume of news stories and issues is known as the a. correlation function. b. entertainment function. c. surveillance function. d. socialization function. 54) Who argues that brands like Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, and the Gap are seen as representative of the people who wear them? a. Naomi Wolf b. Natalie Klein c. Naomi Klein d. Nancy Wolfenstein 55) Baudrillard’s argument that people define their experiences based upon a perception of the world that has been simulated and constructed by the media is known as a. surreal. b. hyperreal. c. simulation. d. stimulation. 56) Recent research indicates that the more time adolescents spend on the Internet the a. less satisfied they are with their lives. b. less friends they have. c. higher their IQ’s. d. more addicted they become. 57) Jean Baudrillard is a a. feminist. b. queer theorist. c. post-structuralist. d. symbolic interactionist. 58) The success of Canadian artists like the Bare Naked Ladies, Celine Dion, and Bryan Adams can be partially attributed to a. CanCon guidelines b. MAPL system c. CBC d. Cultural diffusion 59) Herman and Chomsky’s argument that the primary role of mainstream media is to ensure popular support for the economic, social, and political agenda of the privileged classes is referred to as a. The socialization function b. The propaganda model c. The surveillance function d. The power of the press 60) Recent research has found that the more time adolescents spend on the internet a. The more friends they have b. The less friends they have c. The more likely they are to be overweight d. The more satisfied they are with their lives


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