1. The sublayer of the epidermis that is visible with the naked eye is called the A. Stratum granulosum B. Stratum lucidum C. Stratum basale D. Stratum corneum 2. Melanocytes are located in what part of the skin? A. Corium B. Subcutaneous layer C. Epidermis D. Sweat glands 3. Which of the following is found in the dermis or corium? A. Arrector pili B. Sudoriferous glands C. Sebaceous glands D. All of these are located in the dermis or corium. 4. Which of the following is NOT correct about the epidermis? A. Made of dead, flat cells B. Squamous cells are arranged in stratified squamous epithelium C. Injectable botulin toxin can improve the appearance of the stratified squamous epithelium D. Stratum basale manufactures new cells to replace the dead ones 5. Which of the following statements about skin, hair and nails is CORRECT? A. A fingernail can take about six months to grow from base to tip. B. Body hair has little physiologic purpose, and future humans will evolve to no longer have it. C. Hair is made of dead fat cells called lipocytes. D. Capillaries carry nerve sensations from the skin to the brain. 6. The condition what shows raised red lines on the skin when it is stroked with a pointed object is called __________. A. dermatosis B. dermatographism C. dermatome D. dermatitis 7. A zone of fibrous tissue extending into the dermis that occurs at the site of a healed injury is called a __________. Note to media. Delete (n) that appears on the website A. bulla B. carbuncle C. abscess D. cicatrix 8. Which of the following CORRECTLY describes the epidermis and dermis? A. The dermis, which is the outermost layer, sheds off dead skin cells which are constantly regenerated. B. The epidermal stratum basale is the outermost layer and the dermal subcutaneous is the innermost layer. C. Epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin, while the dermis or corium is the innermost skin layer. D. Collagen fibers allow the epidermis to retract when people lose weight. 9. When widened capillaries and arterioles are visible through the skin, the condition is called: A. psoriasis B. telangiectasia C. venous stasis D. lichenification 10. What is the word for the condition when the epidermal surface is abraded from scratching an itching lesion? A. excoriation B. pruritus C. eschar D. avulsion


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