1) An unconformity is a buried ________. A) fault or fracture with older rocks above and younger rocks below B) surface of erosion separating younger strata above from older strata below C) fault or fracture with younger strata above and older strata below D) surface of erosion with older strata above and younger strata below 2) Which of the following best characterizes an angular unconformity? A) Tilted strata lie below the unconformity, and bedding in younger strata above is parallel to the unconformity. B) Horizontal lava flows lie below the unconformity, and horizontal, sedimentary strata lie above. C) It is the discordant boundary between older strata and an intrusive body of granite. D) Tilted strata lie below the unconformity with loose, unconsolidated soil above. 3) In the late 1700s James Hutton published his important work titled ________. A) Catastrophism B) Principles of Geology C) Modern Earth Science D) Theory of the Earth 4) Which of the following is not a very long-lived, radioactive isotope? A) U-238 B) K-40 C) Rb-87 D) C-14 5) Catastrophism ________. A) was a philosophy that was first expounded by the early Greeks B) was based upon the belief that Earth was millions of years old C) helped man understand the true nature of the forces that shaped the Grand Canyon D) is a modern term used to describe earthquakes and volcanic activity 6) The subdivision of the geologic time scale that represents the longest time span is called a(n) ________. A) epoch B) era C) period D) stage 7) The ratio of parent to daughter isotopes in a radioactive decay process is 0.40. How many half-lives have elapsed since the material was 100% parent atoms? A) less than l B) more than 3 C) between l and 2 D) between 2 and 3 8) Consider the names of the eras in the geologic time scale. What is meant by “zoic”? A) life; living things B) rocks; lithified strata C) time; recording of events D) places; geographic references 9) Who is credited with formulating the doctrine of uniformitarianism? A) Aristotle B) Lyell C) Hutton D) Playfair 10) Which of the following geologic observations would not bear directly on working out the sequence of geologic events in an area? A) inclusions of sandstone in a granite pluton B) a well-exposed dike of basalt in sandstone C) the feldspar and quartz contents of a granite D) an unconformity between a granite and sandstone 1


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