91) Which of the following steps can be found in any of the polymerization mechanisms you learned? I) initiation II) condensation III) propagation IV) dehydrohalogenation V) rearrangement A) I), III), V) B) II), III) and IV) C) III), IV), and V) D) I), II), and III) E) II), III), and V) 92) What type of polymerization reaction occurred to produce the following polymer? A) step-reaction polymerization B) elimination reaction C) chain-reaction polymerization D) condensation polymerization E) propagation polymerization 93) What type of polymerization reaction occurred to produce the following polymer? A) addition polymerization B) elimination reaction C) chain-reaction polymerization D) condensation polymerization E) propagation polymerization 94) What is the difference between atactic polymer and isotactic polymer? A) Atactic polymer has an irregular structure while in isotactic polymer identical functional groups have the same orientation on the polymer chain. B) Atactic polymer has a regular zig-zag structure while in isotactic polymer identical functional groups have the same orientation on the polymer chain. C) Atactic polymer has the same functional groups on one side of the polymer structure while in isotactic polymer has random distribution of functional groups in its structure. D) Atactic polymer has an irregular structure while in isotactic polymer identical functional alternate back and forth along the polymer chain. E) Atactic polymer has identical functional groups alternating back and forth along the polymer chain while in isotactic polymer identical functional groups have the same orientation on the polymer chain. 95) Which reagents would you choose to carry out the following transformations? I) II) III) A) Reaction I use KOtBu Reaction II use MeOH Reaction III use NaOCH(CH3)2 B) Reaction I use NaOMe Reaction II use MeOH Reaction III use NaOC(CH3)3 C) Reaction I use NaOMe Reaction II use MeOH Reaction III use NaOMe D) Reaction I use KOtBu Reaction II use HC(=O)H Reaction III use NaOCH(CH3)2 E) Reaction I use KOtBu Reaction II use Na2Cr2O7 or K2Cr2O7 Reaction III use NaOCH(CH3)2 96) Which reagents would you use for the following transformations? A) First H2O/H3O+ then conc. H2SO4 B) First H2O/H3O+ then conc. HCl C) First OH- then conc. H2SO4 D) First OH- then conc. HCl E) First H2O/H3O+ then dilute H2SO4 97) You need to substitute one hydrogen with bromine on an aromatic ring. What reagents do you use? A) HBr and FeBr3 as catalyst B) Br2 and heat C) Br2 and FeBr3 as catalyst D) a mixture of HBr and conc. H2SO4