211) A functional magnetic resonance imaging technique can capture brain changes: A) through the use of microelectrodes that are so fine they can be inserted into single cells. B) that demonstrate how certain brain circuits connect to produce behaviour. C) many times a second as a person performs a task such as reading a sentence. D) by translating electrical energy from the brain into wavy lines on paper. 212) Magnetic resonance imaging allows a scientist to: A) explore the inner space of the brain without using chemicals. B) study the consumption of glucose in different regions of the brain. C) detect electrical activity within a single cell. D) tell us precisely what is happening physiologically inside a person’s head. 213) All of the following are reasons for caution in using brain imaging technology EXCEPT: A) each brain is unique because of a unique genetic heritage and a lifetime of unique experiences. B) brain scans tell us where something is happening but not precisely what is happening. C) technology cannot replace critical thinking. D) it is not known how safe repeated uses of brain scans is for an individual. 214) Specialization of particular brain areas for particular functions is called: A) the action potential. B) localization of function. C) plasticity. D) neurogenesis. 215) The Austrian anatomist Joseph Gall had a general notion about the brain that has merit. This notion is that: A) different brain parts are specialized to perform different functions. B) the left hemisphere is specialized for visual–spatial tasks. C) the left hemisphere and right hemisphere are mirror images of one another. D) personality traits are reflected in the development of specific areas of the brain. 216) Suppose you were taking a walk through the brain, starting at the lowest part. You would start at the ________ and end up at the ________. A) brain stem; cerebrum B) cerebellum; brain stem C) thalamus; limbic system D) cerebrum; hypothalamus 217) The brain stem includes all of the following structures EXCEPT the: A) reticular activating system. B) thalamus. C) pons. D) medulla. 218) The part of the brain at the top of the spinal cord is called the: A) thalamus. B) brain stem. C) master gland. D) pleasure centre. 219) The two main structures of the brain stem are the: A) hypothalamus and pituitary gland. B) medulla and pons. C) cerebellum and thalamus. D) hippocampus and amygdala. 220) The ________ is a structure in the brain stem involved in sleeping, waking, and dreaming. A) thalamus B) pons C) cerebellum D) medulla


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