11) If you burn your finger, your immediate reaction will probably involve all BUT which of the following? A) the brain B) the spinal cord C) sensory neurons D) motor neurons 12) Plasticity refers to: A) the brain’s ability to remain stable. B) the brain’s ability to change its shape and function as a consequence of experience. C) the removal of dead brain tissue by glial cells. D) the controlled response of a reflex arc. 13) If you are typing on the computer keyboard, the motions of your fingers on the keys are probably being controlled by: A) the autonomic nervous system. B) afferent neurons. C) efferent neurons system. D) autonomic neurons. 14) The neurons of the somatic nervous system control: A) stress reactions. B) organs and glands. C) involuntary muscles D) voluntary muscles. 15) What type of cell is responsible for the reproduction of other cells of the body? A) blood cells B) stem cells C) neurons D) basal cells 16) Which of the following is NOT a function of the sympathetic division? A) increasing digestive activity to supply fuel for the body B) dilating the pupils of the eyes C) increasing the heart rate D) increasing the activity of the lungs 17) Which of the following would be active if you are sleeping? A) sympathetic division B) parasympathetic division C) somatic division D) motor division 18) Which of the following techniques for peeking inside the brain is associated with the work of Wilder Penfield? A) electroencephalogram B) electrical stimulation of the brain C) magnetic resonance imaging D) computed tomography 19) Which of the following techniques uses a radioactive sugar to look at the functioning of the brain? A) EEG B) CT C) MRI D) PET 20) Which brain structure is most responsible for our balance, posture, and muscle tone? A) medulla B) cerebellum C) reticular formation D) pons


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