61) The therapist’s feeling of respect and affection for the client that exists without any strings attached, no matter what the client may say or do, is called a. unconditional positive regard. b. genuineness. c. reflection. d. conditions of worth. 62) Positive outcomes are attained in person-centred therapy when the therapist satisfied each of the following conditions except a. the therapist must be willing to utilize directive listening to guide the patient’s interpretations. b. the therapist must be an authentic, genuine person who reveals their own reactions. c. the therapist must express unconditional positive regard for the feelings of the patient. d. the therapist must relate to the patients with empathic understanding. 63) Person-centred therapists often use a technique called _____________ to mirror back the client’s feelings and communicate with them. a. free association b. dream analysis c. reflection d. transference 64) The ultimate goal of humanistic psychotherapy is for a person to a. uncover the hidden motivations that impact their conscious thoughts and behaviours. b. gain insight and move forward in their seeking of their ultimate potential. c. change their maladaptive behaviours and reactions to challenging situations. d. change their maladaptive thoughts about themselves and their life circumstances. 65) Kennedy meets with a therapist who is trying to merge her “quiet expert” with her “risk taker” so that she’ll become a complete “risky expert.” This would be an example of a. Gestalt therapy. b. person-centred therapy. c. logotherapy. d. rational emotive behaviour therapy. 66) Gestalt therapy is an outgrowth of the work of ______. a. Fritz Perls b. Carl Rogers c. Victor Frankl d. Albert Ellis 67) What is a major goal of the Gestalt therapist? a. To facilitate transference b. To eliminate undesirable behaviours c. To provide unconditional positive regard d. To help clients become more aware of their own feelings 68) Gestalt therapy’s _______ technique aims to integrate opposing aspects of the client’s personality, such as the “good boy” and the “spoiled brat.” a. two-chair b. role-playing c. logical analysis d. dream analysis 69) The two-chair technique is to __________ as individuation is to _________. a. Gestalt therapy; Jungian analytic therapy b. person-centred therapy; implosive therapy c. logotherapy; the phenomenological approach d. behavioural therapy; psychodynamic therapy 70) The ideas of authentic and self-actualization suffer from not being easily a. falsified. b. correlated. c. parsimonious. d. replicated.


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